Deal Sourcing Service

We source and pre-vet deal flow from on-market and our proprietary off-market sources that meet your investment criteria. Get a weekly email with pre-vetted deal flow.

Technical Experts Weekly Deal Flow Pre-vetted

Pre-Vetted Deal Flow In Your Inbox

Sifting through hundreds of brokered listings can take significant manhours.

We take your investment criteria and shortlist businesses for sale. We send these to your email inbox on a weekly basis.

Get pre-vetted deal flow from experts that meet your criteria.

The Analysis Team

Mushfiq Sarker

Mushfiq has been buying, growing, and selling content websites since 2008. He has sold over 200+ websites with multiple six-figure exits. He has deep expertise in SEO, conversation optimization, and affiliate marketing, among others.

Mushfiq shares his deep experience in growing content websites in these growth strategy reports.

Mushfiqur Sarker main

Common Questions

Who is this service for?

This service is perfect for an investor and/or operator looking to acquire an online business (content, Amazon FBA, Shopify, SaaS, etc). It can take a significant amount of time to look for the right deal that is the right fit while minimizing risk.

Our team of experts have been buying/selling businesses since 2008. We pre-vet deals that meet your criteria and send them right to your email inbox. This saves you time and minimizes as many risks as possible.

What is the turnaround time?

This is a monthly service. We send deal flow to your inbox weekly.

What’s required to get started?

We need to understand your criteria (e.g., business type, niches, revenue min/max, age of business). We prefer flexible criteria so we can find the most deals possible. The stricter the criteria the less deal flow available.

Pricing & Next Steps

Most Popular

Deal Flow Sourcing: $1,900 to $3,900/mo

We assign a deal flow consultant to be your sourcer. This person is a seasoned expert with experience in buying/selling businesses. They will source deal flow based on your criteria.

Pricing varies depending on business type, and strictness of criteria.

Fill out the contact form with basic details of what kind of business you are looking to acquire. We will follow up in less than 24 hours after performing a preliminary check to ensure our services would be valuable.